Folk Reflections Walkabout Performance
FREE / no booking required.
The performance will give audiences the chance to admire, meet and take a photograph with a group of larger than life puppets (on stilts) wearing colourful, traditional folk dress from different regions of Poland.
This performance is also part of Refugee Week, which takes place this year between the 17th-23rd June 2024 under the theme of ‘Our Home’ – “Home can be a place of refuge, a feeling or a state of mind. It can be found in smells, tastes and sounds. From the clothes we wear to the words we grew up with. It’s in food, music and arts. It’s in our cultures and in our landscapes” (Refugee Week Website)
The puppets in the Folk Reflections Performance will reflect this theme through their colourful and traditional outfits which will be instantly recognisable to anyone from the Polish community as symbols of their cultural heritage and their ‘Home’ and offer an invitation to reflect on their own migrant journeys to the UK, as well as acting as an opportunity for non-Polish communities in Stratford Upon Avon to interact with and be introduced to Polish culture and the Polish community in Stratford.
Check out What else is included as part of Warwickshire Refugee Week 2024